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Kenmei Technologies awarded a CREATEC-CV grant

Marketing Area

Updated: Jun 15, 2022

Network intelligence and automation company Kenmei Technologies announced today that has been awarded a CREATEC-CV grant by the Valencian Institute of Economy and Competitiveness (IVACE) and the FEDER program of the European Union (EU).

The CREATEC-CV program aims to support the creation and consolidation of technology-based companies, which require the use of technologies developed from the research activity and in which the business strategy is based on the development of technology.

With this program, the IVACE and the EU bring funds to accelerate and consolidate the development of ADELE, Kenmei Technologies’ solution for network intelligence and automation.

“We are proud of being awarded with the CREATEC-CV program by IVACE and EU because it recognises Kenmei Technologies as one of the most innovative companies in Valencia region.” said Vicent Soler, Executive Chief Officer of Kenmei Technologies. “CREATEC-CV funds will help Kenmei Technologies to position ADELE as a worldwide leading solution in the network intelligence and automation market.”

CREATEC Project information: Nº Expediente: IMCBTA/2018/36 Titulo PROYECTO: Plan de empresa de Kenmei Technologies para el desarrollo de la solución Autonomous Decisions and Learning SUBVENCIÓN CONCEDIDA: 67.272,80 €

About Kenmei Technologies

Kenmei Technologies is a Spanish company based in Valencia founded by telecoms and software experts, focused on providing data intelligence through machine-based decision making methods, automating network operations and customer assurance, all designed to help operators deal with increasing network complexities.

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